Chris Uzzi Chris Uzzi

Meditation for every day life


 “The person that goes into meditation, is not the same person that comes out of


  Buddhist Monk Gunaratna.





There are books, talks, lectures, people, religions, and organizations that profess that there way of meditation is the way.    All these facilitators of meditation are in all probability on the right path. This book is written not to change any direction of the good that comes from all the techniques and styles that are practiced for Meditation. This book brings into play a sensible sense of practical opportunities on how to meditate and use meditation for the everyday life.

 This book will not give you any long explanations or thesis’s or trying to convince you that this way in this book is the only way to meditate. What the intention of this book is, is for you to discover in your own way recipes and techniques for mediation that are fun and a good way that will benefit you in a way that will enhance your everyday life in an incredibly special way. 


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